The Frugal Five: #67 With inflation on the rise and salaries not increasing, our ability to make ends meet keeps going down. Therefore, we must be more careful with our money. The Frugal Five is a series where we celebrate the daily or weekly activities that help us live a frugal life. 1- Garden Harvest Our garden is producing a lot of food at this point in time. We needed to pick, preserve, and clean up our garden area every week. This week we picked copious amounts of tomatoes for gravy and salsa. My plan is to have enough tomatoes for the year. I am counting the amount I put up this year and how much I use in order to plan for next year's garden. In addition, I will be researching and planning out next year’s garden this winter. I want to fix some of my errors and re-arrange my beds to maximize my harvest while keeping it looking neat and easy to pick. ...
Where we are celebrating living “The Sweet Life” through being creative, resourceful and community minded. We turn lemons into lemonade with a little help from our friends and enjoying the journey and experiences we create in our lives.