WHAT I SPENT AND WHAT WE ATE I have been looking at my overflowing freezers and very full pantry over the holiday week and wondering why am I still going grocery shopping? I am planning on making January my Pantry/Freezer Challenge month. This is what I’m doing…… First I am taking an inventory of both my freezer and pantry to see exactly what I have. Then I will be menu planning around what I have and only purchasing what we need which will focus on perishable items such as fruit, vegetable and milk which should be about $35.00 a week. I am low on a few key life items (AKA Coffee, cat food, cat litter, etc.), so I did keep an extra $10.00 in the budget for rock bottom prices on these items. This makes for a total budget of $155.00. WHAT I SPENT January Spending Week 1 Krogers = $38.48 Week 2 CVS= $1.90 Walgreens= $0.00 Krogers= 38.48 Meijer= 3.24 Week 3 Kroger= $13.21 (Coffee Sale) Meijers= $6.87 CVS= ...
Where we are celebrating living “The Sweet Life” through being creative, resourceful and community minded. We turn lemons into lemonade with a little help from our friends and enjoying the journey and experiences we create in our lives.