Making small changes that have big results.
On Friday’s I share 5 frugal ideas to help you maintain The Sweet Life on a Budget.
These things will have money saving ideas and/or a way to enhance your lifestyle for
very little money.
I continued to work towards spending less at the grocery store this week. One way that
I have been able to accomplish this is by using up my freezer reserves. I used my
chicken stock, cooked shredded chicken, ham, strawberry bag and banana bag. I
made: Chicken Creole, Ham (Main Dish and used as Lunch meat), Banana Chocolate
Chip Muffins, and Sausage w/ Pancakes and Strawberry Sauce)
I baked a loaf of bread and dried out my bread from last week to make bread crumbs.
I collected ground coffee and ground egg shells for my garden. In addition, I placed
this on my garden beds before the snowstorm hit our area. This should help with my
garden production this spring.
Our life has been very busy this week, but we were able to eat dinner at home all week
long. This took a little bit of planning and creative use of leftovers, but we did it!
Instead of just taking off and doing 1 errand at a time, I batched my errands. So, off to
the library, Walmart, school and Aldi. This really helps to conserve gas and enables us
to work towards decreasing our environmental footprint and saves a little money at the
same time.
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