The Frugal Five: #50
With inflation on the rise and our salaries not being able to keep up, it seems like we have taken a pay cut and must be more careful with our money. The Frugal Five is a series where we celebrate our daily or weekly activities that help us live a frugal life.
1- Haircut Savings
I cut my husbands hair again and save some serious cash. The hair salons in my area have raised their prices again, so it is important for us to carefully select our cuts and how we pay our bill. First, my salon has offered a discount for purchasing a gift card. For every $100 dollars, you get an additional $20.00, so I invested a little cash in a gift card. In addition, I discovered that for my next appointment, I will get 20% off for being a teacher.
2- Teacher Appreciation Week Treats
This week is national teacher appreciation week and our PTO is providing little treats every day this week.
Monday- Donuts and Coffee
Tuesday- Professional Development- Various Snacks
Wednesday- Skyline Chili Dogs
Thursday- Baked Potato Bar
Friday- Soup and Salad w/ Breadsticks
3- Gas Price Savings
Gas prices are still going up and up in my area and we still need to get to various places. In order to save on gas, I compare prices and usilize my discounts (e.g. Kroger fuel points, Sunoco loyalty card). This week I saved $0.60 per gallon by using my Kroger fuel points and since Kroger’s gas price was the same as everyone elses, it was a win. In addition, my son’s swim team’s schedule came out and I reached out to car pool again. Although, she can’t help out every day, every little bit helps. On the days that I need to pick the kids up, I will stay late at work and get a head.
4- Picking up Free Items from Walgreens and CVS
This week I needed to use up my Register Rewards or lose them. I picked up 2 large packages of toilet paper for $3.99 each which used up all of the Register Rewards.
5- Using Up What we have Already Purchased
I noticed that we had a lot of food in our pantry and refrigerator this week, so I took inventory before I went grocery shopping. We cut up the fruit and vegetables to add to our lunches. Used up the lettuce by eating salads or adding it to our sandwiches. Finally, we used the lunchmeat I sliced earlier and didn’t need to buy any. That was a huge savings!
Living Large In The Cheap Seats is a Monthly series where I explore the activities that are in my local area that are free to enjoy. If you are interested, check out my latest post→ Click on the picture.
Do you want to see what we did last week?
Just click on the picture for the link.
Please leave a comment below with your ways of saving money this week.
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