Frugal Five: #52

 The Frugal Five: #52

With inflation on the rise and our salaries not being able to keep up, it seems like we have taken a pay cut and must be more careful with our money.   The Frugal Five is a series where we celebrate the daily or weekly activities that help us live a frugal life.    


1- Garden Group Plants

As most of you know, we moved within the last year, and I am getting used to the new gardening schedule.    I was able to join up with a local gardening group that plants a community bed for the local food bank.    Several of the ladies are very generous with their time, knowledge, and extra plants.   I was able to get several gourd plants and potato starters.   In addition, I signed up with 2 large pots and will be planting them next week.    In trade, I go to the garden at least once a month to weed, prune, or harvest for the community beds.    I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful group to be a part of. 

2- Homemade Pizza

It was a long week and I really wanted to order pizza, but my common sense won out.   I came home and made homemade dough, stretched it out, and topped it.     As a bonus, I was able to use up some vegetables that were just hanging out in the refrigerator.   Finally, I popped it into the oven for 15 minutes.     Yum!    In addition, I attempted to make baked pepperoni, but I cooked it a little too long.    It still tasted good, but next time, I only cook it for about 6 minutes.   


3- Free Training

I am so lucky to have a wonderful fellow to train me for the Certification Level.    She has included me in the Level 1 Certification Training for free.    I have to travel one more time to my old town, but then the last four trainings are all online.      In addition, I am working towards my first 100 hours of practicum and charge a discounted price for my tutoring.    However, the price of the tutoring will cover all of the observation fees.   I am so lucky to be supported by so many great people. 

4- Volunteer Luncheon  

This past week our school hosted a volunteer luncheon for our school volunteers.   My department was responsible for picking up drinks, so I picked them up on sale.     As a bonus, the teachers were permitted to enjoy lunch also.     It was a great treat. 

5- Sausage Sale 

This week Jimmy Dean Sausage was on sale at Kroger and I was able to pick up several pounds for a great price.    However, to make the deal a little sweeter, I was able to use my IBOTTA rebate to get a little more cash back.  Let’s hear it for cheap, premium meat!    

Living Large In The Cheap Seats is a Monthly series where I explore the activities that are in my local area that are free to enjoy.    If you are interested, check out my latest post→  Click on the picture. 

Do you want to see what we did last week?   

Just click on the picture for the link. 

Please leave a comment below with your ways of saving money this week.


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