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Showing posts from May, 2021

Menu Planning #169

  Meal planning is essential to eating healthy, keeping the grocery bill down and maintaining your sanity throughout a work week.   In addition to meal planning, I try to meal prep as much as possible over the weekend.   This helps to lower my stress during the week.    However, if we have a particularly busy weekend, I try to plan simple or crockpot meals.    NOTE- If you want to see the recipes, just click on the picture to see the link.  Breakfast Options: Yogurt Cereal Hard Boiled Eggs Bagels w/ cream cheese Monday Kielbasa Peppers and Onions Salad Tuesday Baked Chicken Stuffing Green Beans Salad   Wednesday Pasta Salad Thursday Hamburgers French Fries Vegetable Sticks Friday Cheese steaks Macaroni Salad Vegetable Sticks w/ Dip  Saturday Potluck Event Macaroni ...

Free Friday- May 28, 2021

    Making small changes that have big results.  On Friday’s I share weekly deals that cost less than $1.00.   These deals help to keep us on our budget and living The Sweet Life.  Although I do not advocate shopping at a large number of stores during this health crisis, if you are going to a particular store that has a deal- just pick it up too.     Unfortunately I haven’t been shopping at CVS for a while, so my CRT’s are very limited and not exceptional at this point.   As I do more shopping at CVS the better the deals will be.  Start small and grow your experience.     CVC (May 23- May 29, 2021) Cover Girl Eyebrow Pencils Cost: $6.59 x 2 = $13.18 Coupons: $3.00- CVS Digital                 $3.00- IP       $4.00 Red Box Machine Coupon OOP: $3.18 ECB: $6.00  Final Cost: Free + $2.82 MM Kroger Deals (May 26- June 1,2021) ** Check your...

Our Rich Backyard Life- Spring 2021

  Slowing down and taking the time to enjoy our surroundings is essential to Living the Sweet Life On A Budget.  Whether it is enjoying nature or the beauty of city architecture, taking time to stop and appreciate beauty wherever you find it is important.   Our Rich Backyard Life looks at the beauty that is surrounding us, whether it is animals, flowers, buildings, locations, or anything else that we can appreciate in our daily travels.  The trees and flowers are budding and blooming all around our neighborhood.   It is a joy to walk in the quiet of the morning and be at peace with the world.      Babies Galore  Each year we have baby animals born in our yard.   This year the bunnies made a nest in our strawberry patch.    When we started to open up the yard, it was a wonderful discovery.     Even the geese in our neighborhood show off their young goslings.   It is interesting to feed them bre...

Menu Planning #168

  Meal planning is essential to eating healthy, keeping the grocery bill down and maintaining your sanity throughout a work week.   In addition to meal planning, I try to meal prep as much as possible over the weekend.   This helps to lower my stress during the week.    However, if we have a particularly busy weekend, I try to plan simple or crockpot meals.    NOTE- If you want to see the recipes, just click on the picture to see the link.  Breakfast Options: Yogurt Cereal Hard Boiled Eggs Bagels w/ cream cheese Monday (Homemade Gravy) Pasta Salad Bread Tuesday Enchiladas Salad Chips w/ Salsa   Wednesday Jambalaya Green Beans Salad Thursday Swiss Chicken Broccoli Salad Friday Pizza Mushrooms  Sa...

Free Friday May 21

    Making small changes that have big results.  On Friday’s I share weekly deals that cost less than $1.00.   These deals help to keep us on our budget and living The Sweet Life.  Although I do not advocate shopping at a large number of stores during this health crisis, if you are going to a particular store that has a deal- just pick it up too.     Kroger Deals (May 19-25) ** Check your Best Customer Coupons .    This month I received a Free 8 oz Pack of Sliced Sargento Cheese.  Barilla Chickpea and Red Lentil Pasta Cost: $2.49 Buy 5 Deal: $1.00 OOP: $1.49 IBOTTA: $1.00 (Limit 5)  Kroger Cash Back: $0.75 (Limit 5)  Final Price: FREE + $0.26 MM Fresh Bellies Cost: $2.79 OOP: $2.79 Buy 5 Deal: $1.00 OOP: $1.79 IBOTTA: $1.00 (Limit 5)  Kroger Cash: $1.00 (Limit 5) Final Price: FREE Sample Requests  FREE CeraVe Moisturizing Cream Sample