Slowing down and taking the time to enjoy our surroundings is essential to Living the Sweet Life On A Budget. Whether it is enjoying nature or the beauty of city architecture, taking time to stop and appreciate beauty wherever you find it is important. Our Rich Backyard Life looks at the beauty that is surrounding us, whether it is animals, flowers, buildings, locations, or anything else that we can appreciate in our daily travels.
The trees and flowers are budding and blooming all around our neighborhood. It is a joy to walk in the quiet of the morning and be at peace with the world.
Babies Galore
Each year we have baby animals born in our yard. This year the bunnies made a nest in our strawberry patch. When we started to open up the yard, it was a wonderful discovery.
Even the geese in our neighborhood show off their young goslings. It is interesting to feed them bread and watch them close up. However, be careful! Geese can get nasty.
Birds are Welcome
We are enjoying watching the ducks swim on the pond from our patio.
Somehow the stress of the day just melts away.
This year we added a few feeders to our year and what a difference it made.
We get all kinds of visiting birds. Their visits make breakfast an event to be cherished.
Flowers are budding and blooming
What beauty were you able to find in your backyard?
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