Menu Plan #291 NOTE- 1- Click on the picture and get a link to a post sharing the recipe. 2- Although all prices were correct at the time of the blog postings, the current cost of preparation of these dishes may be higher due to inflation and location. August USDA Low Food Plan According to this plan, our family would have a budget of $186.60 per week. We elevate our dining experiences by including fresh fruits, vegetables, and higher-quality meats. Since we have health concerns and are active individuals, we limit our processed food choices. Here is what we did this week to make our week easier: Breakfast Options: Yogurt Egg McMuffin Lunch Options: Leftovers Sandwiches Salad Monday Shrimp Pasta Salad Bread Tuesday Tacos Salad Chips w/ Salsa Wednesday Chicken Parmesan Pasta Broccoli Thursday Leftovers Friday Sausage Rice Salad Saturday Sandwiches Salad Sunday Chick...
Where we are celebrating living “The Sweet Life” through being creative, resourceful and community minded. We turn lemons into lemonade with a little help from our friends and enjoying the journey and experiences we create in our lives.