The Frugal Five
With inflation on the rise and our salaries not being able to keep up, it seems like we have taken a pay cut and must be more careful with our money. The Frugal Five is a series where we celebrate our daily or weekly activities that help us live a frugal life.
1- Gas Fill-up
Last week my son was at camp, so I didn’t fill up my car at all. This week we are back to needing to take him to practice and completing errands. Since the stores I shop at are along the route to his practices, I will stop at stores strategically when he goes to practices. Not only does this save on gas but also time. In addition, when I filled up this week, Kroger’s gas prices were equal to the others in the area, so I took advantage of my June gas points and was able to fill up for $3.59 per gallon. That was a savings of $10.00.
2- Increased Focus on Getting Deals
This week I dedicated a little more time to finding deals items that our family needs and/or can place in our pantry. CVS's annual daily free coupons started this week (7/10-7/23/22), which encouraged me to look for freebies. I have listed what I found this week below.
Free Items this week:
2 Crest Pro-Health Advanced Toothpaste (3.5 oz)- Walgreens Sale, Register Rewards
CVS Health- Melatonin 5 mg Gummies (60 ct)- CVS Coupon
CVS Health- Alcohol (16 fl oz)- CVS Coupon
Beauty 360 Nail Finishing Buffer- CVS Coupon
2 Hask Moisturizing Deep Conditioner (1.75 oz)- CVS Sale, Extra Care Bucks
CVS Health- Melatonin 5 mg (60 ct) Chewables- CVS Coupon
Food and Wine Digital (12 issues)- Pinch Me
HGTV Digital (8 issues)- Pinch Me
CVS Health Plastic Bandages (60 ct)- CVS Coupon
Antibiotic Ointment (.5oz)- CVS Coupon
3 Boxes Movie Theater Candy (3.5-5oz)- Buy 2 get 1, Extra Care Bucks
In addition, to looking for deals, I had several $4.00 Register Rewards that were about to expire, so I invested in picking up paper products that had digital coupons available. In addition, I was able to pick up BOGO hair tie packs.
3- Free Entertainment
This week I was given the opportunity to pick up 2 digital magazines for free from Pinch Me. In addition to picking up the book I had on hold, I will be able to be inspired to Living the Sweet Life On A Budget. I am looking forward to embracing a better life.
4- Cooked at Home this Week
I had a very busy week of running my son to swim practice, having 2 days of class, filling out paperwork for my new job, and a long trip to Columbus for a dentist appointment for my son. Simple Meals, Crockpot Cooking, and family support made this week a breeze to eat at home. I am grateful for this support and we were successful at eating at home this week.
5-Garden Love
I am caring for my small but growing garden. I have several tomatoes that are ready to pick and many more that are still growing. In addition, the pepper plants produce a lot of peppers. Finally, I picked up 2 mint plants for winter tea. My small garden is starting to pay dividends.
Please leave a comment below with your ways of saving money this week.
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