The Frugal Five
With inflation on the rise and our salaries not being able to keep up, it seems like we have taken a pay cut and must be more careful with our money. The Frugal Five is a series where we celebrate our daily or weekly activities that help us to live a frugal life.
1- Cleaning out the Freezers Before Moving
For the last few weeks, I have been working on cleaning out our freezers in preparation for our move across the state. Although this plan has been a little trying, it has kept our grocery bills down and our loss of food down. Yippie for decreasing waste and increasing savings.
2- Finding and Fixing a Problem Pipe
Where we are moving the housing market is so tight that inspections are waved in order to be considered. However, our company still paid for a house inspection to be completed, so we took advantage of it. The inspector found a pipe that could burst at any time. It was a tricky thing to catch and we do not think anyone knew about it in advance, so we are grateful that we were able to get an inspection quickly and find a reasonably priced plumber to fix it.
3- Taking advantage of stock-up pricing in 2 different locations.
Since my husband is working in the area of our new home, we are able to take advantage of the sale prices in 2 different locations. I was a little surprised to find out that the prices are slightly different and the loss leaders are also a little different. This week we picked up ground beef, sausage, spare ribs, Vlasic pickles, Nature’s Bakery oatmeal bars, Betty Crocker cake mix, and brownie mix because the prices were incredible. These items will go into the freezer at our new home and be turned into delicious meals in June.
4- Kitchen Love- Used up Frozen Bananas
We had a bunch of frozen bananas in the freezer to use up, so we made smoothies, banana bread, and Nice Cream. Some bread was sent to the new place with my husband and the rest was eaten for breakfast. The smoothies and Nice Cream were delicious breakfast options or dessert on a hot day. Yummy.
5- Used my Michael’s $5.00 Coupon
Michael’s Craft and Art Store graciously sent me a $5.00 to use in May. I was able to combine this coupon with a 50% off sale on summer foliage. This made my “plant” purchase free. So happy.
Please leave a comment below with your ways of saving money this week.
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