The Frugal Five
With inflation on the rise and our salaries not being able to keep up, it seems like we have taken a pay cut and must be more careful with our money. The Frugal Five is a series where we celebrate our daily or weekly activities that help us to live a frugal life.
1- Save on Gas
I noticed my gas tank was very low and needed gas. I checked the Gasbuddy app to see the price points for my local gas stations. Since all of the stations were the same price, I selected the station that accepted my Kroger gas points. WOW! I was able to save $0.50 per gallon. This came to a savings of $9.00.
2- Grocery Budget: Build a Pantry
Each week I try to keep $10.00 aside to build my pantry. By checking the sales each week and investing in our pantry. Through this habit, I am able to build my pantry when items are at their lowest price. For example, last week, I took advantage of a Meijer deal that provided me with 12 large boxes of tissues for just $8.84 or $0.73 each.
As a result, my pantry has grown over time while maintaining my budget.
3- Hygge: Enjoyed the Gas Fireplace
March and April have been unusual weather months for us. Some days it would be warm and spring-like, but recently we have had several days of snow and hail. On the cold days, I enjoyed our gas fireplace and the warmth that it provided.
4- Cooking- Mexican Street Corn Chowder
On Sunday I made a huge pot of Mexican Street Corn Chowder and enjoyed taking it for lunch each day this week. This made for a quick and hearty lunch. This frugal dinner provided me with a family dinner and 5 individual lunches.
5- Drinks to Go…..
This week I took a little extra time each day to pack a travel mug of coffee and a lunch drink each day to take to work. Given that coffee costs between $2.00 and $5.00 at Starbucks, I estimate that I saved about $10.00 by just taking my coffee each day. In addition, if I needed to purchase a drink at work, my only choice was to purchase a soda for $2.00.
Please leave a comment below with your ways of saving money this week.
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