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10 Snacks-for $0.50 or less (Updated- 2022)


With a teenager in the house, our refrigerator and pantry seem to be constantly open.    My son is constantly looking for a snack or another meal.   As a competition swimmer, he needs a lot of calories per day to maintain his training.   With grocery prices rising at a regular rate with no end in sight, it has become necessary for us to create a snack list that includes healthy snacks on a budget.   

Let’s see what I came up with:  

Hard-Boiled Eggs ($0.14)

Eggs have 3.6 grams of protein and are still a very economical snack.   Presently eggs cost $1.59 per dozen which has one egg coming to $0.14.    We take advantage of this humble but high-protein snack each week by making a dozen of hard-boiled eggs each week.   As a bonus, if we need a quick lunch, they can be added to a little cheese, crackers, and fruit for a homemade Starbucks protein box. 

Bananas ($0.20)

This week I picked up 12 bananas for $1.39 which comes to $0.20 per banana.    This fruit comes in its own wrapper and is easy to transport when in a rush.    This delicious snack is high in potassium, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin C, and fiber.  In addition to snacking, we enjoy adding a banana to a grab-and-go breakfast.

Apples ($0.35)

I can pick up a 3-pound bag of apples for about $3.50 each week.   This week Pink Ladies were on sale and the bag had 10 apples in it.     Ten is roughly the number of apples that come in a 3-pound bag.  If I get them from Kroger, I need to pair my shopping with a sale or coupon.     However, Aldi always has apples at this price, so no matter what, our apples come to $0.35 per snack.    In addition, to having apples as a snack, I add them to meals. 

Granola Bars ($0.14)

The lower-end granola bars are a sweet treat in the afternoons.  I look for the bars which have dried fruit in addition to the oatmeal and sugar.    At Kroger, I can pick up a box of 18 count granola bars and this will last for about a week.     Each bar comes to $0.14.   In addition to snacking, it is an item that can be added to a grab and go breakfast or lunch box.  

Carrots ($0.25)

A bag of baby carrots cost $0.99 per pound.  When I did a price comparison today, 2 pounds of carrots came in at $1.98 which is the same as picking up 2 packages of baby carrots.      Normally the price of whole carrots is at least $0.20 cheaper that baby carrots.     I will keep this in mind and make sure I compare prices each week before I pick up my carrots.    Anyway, a portion of carrots comes in at $0.25 per serving.  

Pineapples ($0.32)

I will pick up pineapples or watermelon when the price is on the lower end.    Today I picked up a pineapple for $2.49 which yielded 2 cups or 8 potions.    This comes to $0.32 per serving.   I measure my fruit cost by serving price, so sometimes we eat a lot of one particular type of fruit in a week.     However, some fruit usually comes in at a lower price, such as apples or bananas.  

Cupcake ($0.18) 

Normally I wait until cake mixes go on sale to pick them up from the store, but even if you pay full price for the cake mix, the snack will still be very affordable.   When I make cupcakes from a box, I usually only get about 12 cupcakes.   Including the additional pantry items needed to make the mix, the cost per cupcake comes in at approximately $0.18 per snack.    

Yogurt ($0.17-$0.50)

The store-brand yogurt cups come in at $0.50 per serving.   However, if you would like to potion out the yogurt yourself, then a 32 oz container runs $2.19.   This can be portioned into 5 oz servings and the number of servings you will get is 6.4.   For a cheaper option than that, make your own.    With updated pricing,  my homemade yogurt comes to $0.17 per container.   For a little more money, you can add fruit, granola or chocolate chips.    

Cheese Stick ($0.30-$0.40)

Our house loves cheese.   When cheese goes on sale, we will cut blocks of cheese to either create cheese sticks of cheese cubes.    However, even when cheese isn’t on sale, it is still an economical snack.   We pick up the store-brand cheese sticks which cost $3.99 for a 12 count.   With either method, our snack price comes in between $0.30 and $0.40 per portion.     We watch for the sales because we can pick up a high-quality cheese for roughly the same price as cheese sticks.     

Ice Cream Bars ($0.21)

Ice Cream bars are a nice treat especially on a high day.   They are already individually potioned and the Kroger box cost only $2.29/12 count or $0.21 per snack.   Another easy substitute is to make your own bars.    I have made homemade ice cream and created bars with graham crackers or I have substituted generic cool whip for the ice cream.    If you have a popcycle model, making homemade popsicles is also an affordable spring/summer snack.    

Popcorn ($0.38/ bowl)

Popcorn is one of our go-to snacks for movie night.  I pick up a box of store-brand microwave popcorn for $2.28/6 count and make at least one large bowl per movie night.    The cost of the entire bowl is only $0.38 and it feeds our whole family!  However, if I pop the corn on the stove, the price tag goes even lower.    

   Final Tip 

Kroger, Meijer, and IBOTTA periodically will provide me with a coupon or code to receive a free product to try.   I always pick up these items and add them to the snack bins.    So far this month, we received a silk yogurt and Starbucks energy drink.  In addition, with Covid restrictions lifting, my husband is traveling again for work, so he will bring home the bagged breakfasts from the hotel he stays at.   This normally consists of a water bottle, large muffin and Dole fruit cup.   All of these things get added to the snack box.    

Snack Summary

  1. Hard-Boiled Eggs ($0.14)

  2. Bananas ($0.20)

  3. Apples ($0.35)

  4. Granola Bars ($0.14)

  5. Pineapples ($0.32)

  6. Cupcake ($0.18) 

  7. Yogurt ($0.17-$0.50)

  8. Cheese Stick ($0.30-$0.40)

  9. Ice Cream Bars ($0.21)

  10. Popcorn ($0.38/ bowl)

I am constantly looking for affordable ways to feed my family and this includes snacks, but with grocery prices on the rise, I need to be careful with my selections.     

What snacks do you enjoy on a budget?


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