Meal Plan #194
Meal planning is essential to eating healthy, keeping the grocery bill down, and maintaining your sanity throughout a workweek. In addition to meal planning, I try to prepare meals as much as possible over the weekend. This helps to lower my stress during the week. However, if we have a busy weekend, I try to plan simple or crockpot meals. Meal Preparation Plan Cut Crudites Baked Oatmeal Hard-boiled Eggs NOTE- 1- Click on the picture and get a link to a post sharing the recipe. 2- Although at the time of the blog postings all prices were correct, the current cost of preparation of these dishes may be higher due to inflation and/or location. Breakfast Options: Bagels Egg McMuffins (Recipe Linked) Hardboiled Eggs Monday Pasta with Homemade Gravy Salad Broccoli Tuesday Chicken Taco Wraps Salad Chips w/ Salsa Wednesday Burgers Roasted Potatoes Corn Thursday Pizza Salad Chips Frid...