National Donut Day is June 5th.
National Donut Day started in 1938 by the Salvation Army as a way to thank
the “donut lassies”. A “donut lassie” was a female volunteer who would give
treats to the solders on the front lines during World War I as a morale booster.
The Salvation Army still participates in National Donut Day, but now requests
donations which go towards providing the following programs: food pantries,
meals on wheels, senior citizen feeding programs and childcare nutrition
From my experience, on National Donut Day, you can score free donuts at
various locations using their deals. I have gotten donuts from Meijers, Krispy
Kreme and Dunkin Donuts over the years. We always take a group and are
prepared to wait in a long line to pick up our donut. The wait is also part of
the fun: waiting, giggling, talking and watching the donuts being made.
However this year, we will need to socially distance and be careful to ensure
everyone’s safety, so we will be using the drive through.
National Donut Day is Jun 5th. However, Krispy Kreme has changed from 1
day of free donuts to 5 days! June 1 to June 5th! I think they are trying to
give everyone a chance to receive a free donut, but also recognize that this is
a very crowded situation and the drive through will be very clogged. If you are
choosing to participate in this event, please be respectful and responsible.
Treat everyone with kindness, courtesy and patience.
Krispy Kreme- 1 free donut per person
Last Year the following businesses also had free donuts, but I am unsure if
they will participate in the tradition this year.
Dunkin Donuts
Duck Donuts
If you find a place that is responsibly providing a free donut during this time,
please leave a comment below.
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