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Living Large- Double Feature: Museums

Let’s take a look at what Living the Good Life means.  To many it means living
in comfort and luxury with little worries.  That is great to say, but how do we
achieve such a thing? 

To begin with, recognize that we have control over what comfort and luxury
means to us.     To me comfort means that I have my basic needs covered
(food, shelter, purpose and family) without worrying how I am going to pay for

However, luxury is a little more elusive.    Sometimes, it means enjoying great
food and wine while other times, it is a quiet evening with a hot cup of tea while
enjoying the fire.  I guess it is good that luxury can be so flexible in it’s
meaning. This allows us to choose different activities based on our budget to
enjoy.    I would put forth that it is a state of mind and having contentment with
what we are blessed with. If we find contentment in our choices, then luxury is
obtainable to everyone.   

This series is based on several peoples comments about wanting to Live Large
In The Cheap Seats wherever they live.    So, I developed a series that will
look at how to find free or cheap activities, adventures or simple experiences
that can enrich our lives.     

Our first Feature is Museums.   Museums offer a great opportunity to expand
your perspective and look at the world through the lense of others.  
Regardless of if it is from the perspective of the artist, a specific time period, or
an exercise in humanity as you look at the art from around the world you will
gain understanding and appreciation for others which can not be bought.  In
addition, you can find inspiration for your personal style or it can be a
wonderful conversation starter. Finally, it can produce serenity. During
those times of stress, a stroll through the art museum can defuse your stress
and create a feeling of calm.    So, how do we get this experience on a very
low budget?   

1- Local museums usually have one day a week that admission is waived
(normally Sundays).   To find out which day admission is waived, just google
the museum’s website. There is normally a fee for parking unless you know
the area well and can find some free options.    

2- Museums that are housed on college campuses are normally open and free
to the public M-F during set hours.  Our local college has several museums on
campus that feature a variety of different exhibits. In addition, they bring in
special exhibits and during a particular day it is open and free to the public.   
Sometimes, you can even catch an artist's talk and or lecture for free or a
minimal cost.   

3- Go visit a local art gallery and enjoy a leisurely stroll through the gallery.  
The art changes frequently because the purpose of a gallery is to sell the art.
Although it is normally much smaller than a museum, it is a nice short
diversion.  If you get on their mailing list, you will be notified of Gallery
Openings which usually also feature small appetizers and drinks. This was
one of my favorite things to do when I was in college.  

4- If you happen to be Washington DC, take advantage of the Smithsonian
Museums.    They are national museums that are always free to the public.
They are huge and wonderful to wander around.   While you’re in town, also
take in the monuments.    

5- Participate in Museum Day each year.   “Museum Day is a one-day event in
which participating museums and cultural institutions across the country provide free
entry to anyone presenting a Museum Day ticket. Participants are allowed to
download one ticket per email address. The ticket provides free general admission
on Saturday, April 4, 2020, for two people.” (Smithsonian Magazine)  

6- Go to Art Festivals.   This is a little more surreal of an experience, but a lot
of fun.   When my husband went to Penn State University, we would go to Art’s
Fest each summer.   It is a week long festival that is full of all types of art,
including but not limited to paintings, pottery, music, plays, and so much

Do you have any other ideas on how to enjoy the Art Scene on a budget?   If
so, leave a comment and share with the community.   


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