Living the Sweet Life- Tips and Tricks
The Sweet Life On A Budget is where we celebrate living life creatively, using our r
resources efficiently, enjoying the simple things in life and being community minded
in our efforts to live well on a budget.
We make small changes that have big results, so we can afford and choose what makes
us really happy.
Here are a few ways I live intentionally and what I enjoyed this week.
Baked Bread- There is nothing more delicious than hot, freshly baked bread. The fact
that it is a higher quality product which cost less than a quarter of the price of a similar
loaf at the grocery store is a bonus.
Carpooling for activities or Batch Running Errand- This is a great way to live
intentionally. We are lowering our carbon footprint by collectively using less fossil
fuel, building wonderful relationships by living cooperatively and as a bonus saving a
little cash. This week I was able to use the saved time and attend a Creation Care
meeting, which works on lowering our church’s carbon footprint. I call this a Win,
Win, Win!
Loving Movement- I enjoyed a few movies this week that were playing on our Sling
TV subscription. When the movies went to commercial, I got up and moved.
Sometimes, I went and started laundry, wiped down the bathroom, straightened up the
kitchen, dusted the living room, etc. This way I was able keep up with a little light
house work and get some steps in also. On of the things I really enjoyed this week was
a clean house and how the uncluttered space really created a sanctuary for my family.
Tended to my plants- I have several plants I am growing from seed and they are at
the fragile stage of the process, so they need a lot of tender loving care. This will help
to create a wonderful garden this summer. I am looking forward to walking just
outside my kitchen an picking fresh tomatoes, green beans or peppers to cook for
Growing Aloe and Rosemary- In addition, I have Aloe and Rosemary growing in my
kitchen. Rosemary and Aloe are helpful plants to have in the kitchen. Not only do
they add to cooking or help with burns, but they also help to produce a restful and
positive environment. Hopefully this summer, I will be able to add a few more herbs
to my kitchen area.
Living life simply and intentionally is the way to go. What did you do this week to live the Sweet
Life for Little to No Money? Leave a comment below.
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