The Sweet Life on a Budget
Making small changes that have big results.
On Friday’s I share 5 frugal ideas to help you maintain The Sweet Life on a Budget.
These things will have money saving ideas and/or a way to enhance your lifestyle for
very little money.
When the opportunity to attend a program from the Columbus Zoo for free, I took it.
Our local scout troop had the Columbus Zoo visit its pack meeting with their animal
ambassadors. My son was attending his pack meeting last week which included the
Columbus Zoo program. I was fortunate enough to have attended this event and
experience the Zoo’s program. It was fabulous. If you ever have the chance to attend
a program like this, please take advantage of it. In addition, there are always discounts
available for zoo tickets, so take some time and check it out.
Zero Waste exercise was a success. We had some bananas whose skins were turning
very black on the counter, so I turned them into Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins. In
addition, we had some leftovers in the refrigerator which we had for lunch and I made
pizza and a salad for dinner on Friday night. This cleaned out the refrigerator of many
random vegetables.
We picked up a few gift cards to cover our eating out expenses for the holiday season.
By purchasing these gift cards at our local Kroger’s we are able to redeem 3% back on
our credit card and 4X the gas rewards from our Kroger card. You can’t always
prevent eating out, but you can be selective on where you eat and how you pay for it.
However, any gift cards we manage to save, will go into our gift card box and we can
use when going to travel meets.
Our schools are on holiday break until the beginning of January. Whenever we go on
break, we always check out a few books or books on CD to read/listen to. The best
part of this is we there is zero cost because we get the books from the library. We are
able to check these books out for 4 weeks, so it gives us plenty of time to read/listen to
them. This break we are finishing the Percy Jackson series (books 4 and 5) and The
Lost Hero.
When I got my internet bill this month, I noticed that I had been charged a late fee, but
I always pay my bill as soon as it comes via email notification. I first checked my
email account to verify that I had received the bill last month and if paid, I would also
have a verification email. However, I found that neither email was in my account, so I
phoned customer service to see if I could get the fee removed. To my benefit, since I
had been paying my bills consistently, they removed the fee and updated my account.
I immediately paid the bill once the bill was updated and I was able to save the late fee.
Thank you WOW.
How did you save some money or have fun at a reasonable price? Share with our new
group in a comment below.
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