On Thanksgiving Day, I post a list of 20 things I’m thankful for. I picked the number 20 rather randomly, so please don’t judge. These are not in order of importance. That would make this job way too hard. I just type ’em as they pop into my head.
I’m thankful for:
1- My Lord and Savior. He walks with me daily and protects me. 2- My loving husband who a constant source of strength and love.
3- My son who shines joy and happiness daily and is very inquisitive.
4- The ability of work as much as I want.
5- My garden- This year we increase how much we were able to preserve.
6- Learning to make pickles this year.
7- Learning how to dry peppers for winter.
8- My friends who support me and help to ground me.
9- Coffee- This is truly the elixir of life.
10- Having people read my blog. This is one of the most uplifting and special things this year. Thank You.
11- Warm House- Many people in the work do not know where they are sleeping this evening and keep them in my prayers.
12- Good food- So many children go hungry every night and it saddens me. I am thankful for the food that I have and try to support those who are not as fortunate.
13- Nature and all the beauty she shows me.
14- Chloe (my cat)- She is a consistent source of unconditional love.
15- Sun Rises and Sets- There is nothing more beautiful than watching this.
16- Experiencing the 4 seasons. Nothing beats feeling the change in weather, watch plants erupt from the ground, enjoying the summer bounty, leaves changing color and snow falling to the ground.
17- Christmas Trees with all their lights, decorations and magic.
18- The freedom that our country offers.
19- Fireworks
20- Fireplaces
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