Our family has moved to a clean diet which limits the amount of sugar and preservatives that are in the food we eat. Commercial yogurt is either reasonable priced and has a great deal of sugar and preservatives or is a cleaner version but at a much higher price. Our family goes through 2 large yogurt containers per week at a price tag of $5.49 per container or $10.98 total.
What’s a mom to do? I need to feed my family the highest quality of food I can find and maintain my grocery budget.
I have tried several times to make yogurt using the crock pot method without success. However, I received a yogurt maker for my birthday and have been successful ever since. I have a Euro Cuisine Yogurt Maker which sells for $29.99 on Amazon or at Bed Bath and Beyond.
Here is how I make good yogurt. Plain Yogurt
Yields (5.3 oz) servings or about 4 cups total
5 Cups of Milk ( I use 2% but any milk will do.)
5.3 oz container of Plain Yogurt (This is your starter so it MUST contain Live Cultures. I use
Chobani but others have used Dannon or Oikos.)
Directions: Heat 5 Cups of Milk to 200 degrees while stirring frequently.
Pour mixture into jars and process in the yogurt maker for the recommended time. My yogurt maker takes 10 hours.
~ Savings ~
Cost Breakdown:
Strategic Shopping
1 gallon of milk- 1.48 = 16 cups= $.09/cup= $.45
1 contain of yogurt (5.3 oz)= $1.00
By using yogurt produced 2 additional times the price is reduced to $.333.
Total Recipe Cost = $.79 or 2.48 for 3 batches
Cost Per 5.3 oz Serving = $0.16
Regular Shopping
1 gallon of milk- 1.49 = 16 cups= $.10/cup= $.50
1 contain of yogurt (5.3oz)= $1.00
Total Recipe Cost = $1.50
Cost Per 5.3 oz Serving = $0.25
The Contender:
Chobani Yogurt (32 oz) = $5.49
Cost Per 5.3 oz Serving = $0.92
Strategic Shopping= 83%
Regular Shopping= 73%
"Over a Year" Scenario:
Strategic Shopping
Homemade Yogurt made 100 times= $16.00
Use equivalent Chobani Yogurt (32 oz.) @ $4.99 = $49.90
*Money Saved = $33.90
General Shopping
Homemade Yogurt made 100 times= $25.00
Use equivalent Chobani Yogurt (32 oz.) @ $5.49 = $54.90
*Money Saved = $29.90
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