Yogurt Making 101

Plain Yogurt ($.16 per serving) 

Our family has moved to a clean diet which limits the amount of sugar and preservatives that are in the food we eat.  Commercial yogurt is either reasonable priced and has a great deal of sugar and preservatives or is a cleaner version but at a much higher price.   Our family goes through 2 large yogurt containers per week at a price tag of $5.49 per container or $10.98 total.
What’s a mom to do?  I need to feed my family the highest quality of food I can find and maintain my grocery budget.  
I have tried several times to make yogurt using the crock pot method without success.  However, I received a yogurt maker for my birthday and have been successful ever since.  I have a Euro Cuisine Yogurt Maker which sells for $29.99 on Amazon or at Bed Bath and Beyond.  
Here is how I make good yogurt.
Plain Yogurt
Yields (5.3 oz)  servings or about 4 cups total
5 Cups of Milk ( I use 2% but any milk will do.)
5.3 oz container of Plain Yogurt  (This is your starter so it MUST contain Live Cultures.  I use
Chobani but others have used Dannon or Oikos.)
Heat 5 Cups of Milk to 200 degrees while stirring frequently.   
Once it reaches 200 degrees, turn off the heat and allow the milk to cool to 95 degrees.  If you are in a hurry, then place the pan into an ice bath.
Whisk in the container of yogurt to the milk mixture ensuring that it is completely integrated.  
Pour mixture into jars and process in the yogurt maker for the recommended time.  My yogurt maker takes 10 hours.

~ Savings ~

Cost Breakdown:

Strategic Shopping
1 gallon of milk- 1.48 = 16 cups= $.09/cup= $.45
1 contain of yogurt (5.3 oz)= $1.00
By using yogurt produced 2 additional times the price is reduced to $.333.
Total Recipe Cost = $.79 or 2.48 for 3 batches
Cost Per 5.3 oz Serving = $0.16

Regular Shopping
1 gallon of milk- 1.49 = 16 cups= $.10/cup= $.50
1 contain of yogurt (5.3oz)= $1.00
Total Recipe Cost = $1.50
Cost Per 5.3 oz Serving = $0.25

The Contender:
Chobani Yogurt (32 oz) = $5.49
Cost Per 5.3 oz Serving = $0.92

Strategic Shopping= 83%
Regular Shopping= 73%

"Over a Year" Scenario:

Strategic Shopping
Homemade Yogurt made 100 times= $16.00
Use equivalent Chobani Yogurt (32 oz.) @ $4.99 = $49.90

*Money Saved = $33.90

General Shopping
Homemade Yogurt made 100 times= $25.00
Use equivalent Chobani Yogurt (32 oz.) @ $5.49 = $54.90

*Money Saved = $29.90


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