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Showing posts from November, 2022

Deal of the Week

  Making small changes that have big results.  Inflation is going up and up with no end in sight.   Therefore, I am changing my shopping habits a little bit.   I can no longer expect to have a large number of free items or items under $1.00.    However, I can know my prices and pick up items that are significantly lower than usual.    My deals will be limited to needed items and occasionally a great deal on just wanted items.      ** At the beginning of the month, start to look for your free items in your grocery store apps.     CVS (Nov. 27- Dec. 3, 2022) Conair Hair Trimming Kit Cost: $15.00 OOP: $15.00 ECB: $10.00 Final Cost: $5.00 ** This is a great holiday gift.   Walgreen Deals (Nov. 27- Dec. 3, 2022)       Crest Toothpaste Cost: $3.00 x 2 = $6.00 Coupon: $3.00/2 (digital) OOP: $3.00 Register Rewards: $3.00 Final Price: Free Colgate Toothpaste/Toothbrush Cost: $7.98 T...

Menu Planning: #229

  Meal planning is essential to eating healthy, keeping the grocery bill down, and maintaining your sanity throughout a workweek.   In addition to meal planning, I try to prepare meals as much as possible over the weekend.   This helps to lower my stress during the week.    However, if we have a busy weekend, I try to plan simple or crockpot meals.       Our grocery bill has been reaching or surpassing $200 a week for a while and this month, I am going to try to bring that price tag down.  In addition to spending so much money on groceries, we have also been eating out more often.    It is time to change our ways.  Our goal is $150 per week and only eating out 1 time in the month of November.      Week 1 = 193.10 Week 2 = $277.84 Week 3 =$138.26 Week 4 =  $101.98 (Eating out Replacement, Stock Up Items, Christmas Gifts) $109.02 Stock Up Items include: Since we went to a specialty st...

Frugal Five: 33

  The Frugal Five: #33 With inflation on the rise and our salaries not being able to keep up, it seems like we have taken a pay cut and must be more careful with our money.   The Frugal Five is a series where we celebrate our daily or weekly activities that help us live a frugal life.     Last week was a little hard to get anything accomplished, so I needed to give myself grace.   Although I did try to be as frugal as possible, I also needed to keep my life together.     1- Took advantage of Free-bees this week  Wow!  I was able to pick up a 3 lb Butterball boneless breast meat turkey, Cranberry Sauce, Brown Gravy, Jiffy Corn Mix and Bob Evans Breakfast Sausage for FREE.    In addition, I was able to pick up free tissues from Meijers.        All in all, a pretty good week for freebies.  2- Homemade Deli Lunchmeat I was able to pick up a Large Thanksgiving Turkey for $0.45 lb. and I earned...

Thanksgiving Preparations: 2022

  Thanksgiving 2022 Thanksgiving is this Week! Oh My…..It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is tomorrow.  This year has been a whirlwind of change, with moving, changing jobs, changing health concerns, and being very busy.   I am relying on simple recipes, whole foods, and having Wednesday off to get everything prepared.  I am excited to give my family a Thanksgiving experience that they will enjoy.     Here’s my list: Menu Breakfast Sausage Eggs Hashbrowns Apple Pfannekuchen Nibbles for the day Antipasto Platter (Small- 2 cheese, Salami, fruit, nuts, olives) Variety of Crackers Crudite w/ Dip  Shrimp Dip  Deviled Eggs Meal Starter:   Green Salad Main Meal Roasted Turkey Cranberry Relish Roasted Vegetables Sweet Potatoes Macaroni and Cheese Dessert Pumpkin Cheesecake* Beverages Wine Ginger Ale/ Sparkling Apple Cider Water The Game Plan Wednesday Pumpkin Cheesecake  Cranberry Relish  Cut Vegetables for Roasted Vegetables ...

2022- Thankful List

    Thankful List 2022 On  Thanksgiving Day, I post a list of 20 things I’m thankful for.  I picked 20  random things, so please don’t judge. These are not in order of importance.  That would make this job way too hard.  I just type ’em as they pop into my head. I’m thankful: My lord for caring for me All of the blessings I have received this year.  My family who makes life exciting and fun.  Securing a position in our new town.  My students who are a source of joy and laughter. Finding a home we could afford in our new town.  Having a grove of trees in my backyard with a creek running along the edge our property The free lawn concerts that are held locally  The fall leaves and beauty that our new area has to offer.  Having a real fireplace to enjoy a log burning fire Good Coffee Our family's health.   Being food secure  Having good neighbors    You- My blog readers.  This is one of the most u...