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Showing posts from November, 2020

Menu Planning #157

  Our meals need to be nutritious, clean, flexible, quick and cost effective. Between our work schedules and after school activities, we need to carefully plan our meals so that we do not end up ordering out.  We try hard to keep our total food and household products to under $100.00 per week.   Goal: $500.00  What did we spend?  Week 1- $127.50 Kroger: $44.77 Aldi: $82.73 Rebates IBOTTA:  Week 2- $53.15 Kroger: $19.82 Meijer: $33.33 Rebates:  IBOTTA:  Week 3-186.92 Kroger: $166.42 Meijer: $20.50 Rebates:  IBOTTA:$4.70 Week 4- $12.78 Kroger: $12.78 CVS:  Rebates:  IBOTTA: $2.60 Week 5 $121.39 Kroger: $61.43 Aldi: $56.50 CVS: $3.46 Total: $501.74 Rebate Total: $7.30 Final Total: $494.44 NOTE: Rebate total DOESN’T include Kroger Cash or Refunds because they will come off of the Kroger Bill automatically the following week.   In addition, I don’t count CVS as part of the grocery bill because I normal...

Menu Planning #156

  Our meals need to be nutritious, clean, flexible, quick and cost effective. Between our work schedules and after school activities, we need to carefully plan our meals so that we do not end up ordering out.  We try hard to keep our total food and household products to under $100.00 per week.   Goal: $500.00  What did we spend?  Week 1- $127.50 Kroger: $44.77 Aldi: $82.73 Rebates IBOTTA:  Week 2- $53.15 Kroger: $19.82 Meijer: $33.33 Rebates:  IBOTTA:  Week 3-186.92 Kroger: $166.42 Meijer: $20.50 Rebates:  IBOTTA:$4.70 Week 4- $12.78 Kroger: $12.78 CVS:  Rebates:  IBOTTA: $2.60 Week 5 (Goal- $100.00) Kroger:  CVS:  Rebates: IBOTTA:  Total: $380.35 Rebate Total: $7.30 Final Total: $373.05 NOTE: Rebate total DOESN’T include Kroger Cash or Refunds because they will come off of the Kroger Bill automatically the following week.   In addition, I don’t count CVS as part of the gr...

Menu Planning #155

  Our meals need to be nutritious, clean, flexible, quick and cost effective. Between our work schedules and after school activities, we need to carefully plan our meals so that we do not end up ordering out.  We try hard to keep our total food and household products to under $100.00 per week.   Goal: $400.00  What did we spend?  Week 1- $127.50 Kroger: $44.77 Aldi: $82.73 Rebates IBOTTA:  Week 2- $53.15 Kroger: $19.82 Meijer: $33.33 Rebates:  IBOTTA:  Week 3-186.92 Kroger: $166.42 Meijer: $20.50 Rebates:  IBOTTA:$4.70 Week 4- (Goal - $32.43) Kroger:  CVS:  Rebates:  IBOTTA:  Total: $367.57 Rebate Total: $4.70 Final Total: NOTE: Rebate total DOESN’T include Kroger Cash or Refunds because they will come off of the Kroger Bill automatically the following week.   In addition, I don’t count CVS as part of the grocery bill because I normally use gift cards and ECB to get my items for free, so in ...

CVS Deals- November 8-14

  November 8-14 Tresemme Shampoo 28 oz (BOGO 50%) Cost:  Buy 4- ($4.99 + $2.50 x 2 = $14.98) Coupon: $5/2 x 2 = $10.00 (11/1 RMN) CRT: $3/$10   OOP: $1.98 ECB: $5.00           IBOTTA: $1.00x 3 = $3.00  Final Cost: FREE + $6.02 MM NOTE- Do you have Shopkicks?   If so there is an offer on Shopkick’s too.     Covergirl (Eyebrow Pencils)  Cost: $6.79 x 2 = $13.59 Coupon: $3/1 x 2 = $6.00 (10/25- SS)      $3/1 Instant Coupon Printed (11/1 - 11/7)  OOP: $4.59 ECB $6.00 Final Cost: FREE + $1.41 MM Select Makeup Gift Sets Cost: $4.99 OOP: $4.99 ECB: 3.00 Final Cost: $1.99  NOTE- Great idea for a holiday gift.  Abbreviations:  OOP- Out of pocket expense. MM- Money Maker   CRT- CVS Store Coupons ECB= Extra Care Buck  (Coupon to be used on  anything at CVS)  REGISTER REWARD (Coupon to be used on  anything at Walgreens)...