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Showing posts from December, 2019

Monday Meal Plan

Our meals need to be nutritious, clean, flexible, quick and cost effective. Between our work schedules and after school activities, we need to carefully plan our meals so that we do not end up ordering out.   Let’s take a look at what we ate this week.  Breakfast Options:  Cereal Bagels Homemade Yogurt Sunday Turkey Soup   Salad Monday Pasta  Salad Tuesday Tacos Salad Chips w/ Salsa  Wednesday  Kitchen Closed- Chinese Thursday Left Overs  Friday Pizza  Salad Saturday   Bratwurst Coleslaw French Fries 

What's For Dinner: #111

Our meals need to be nutritious, clean, flexible, quick and cost effective. Between our work schedules and after school activities, we need to carefully plan our meals so that we do not end up ordering out.   Let’s take a look at what we ate this week.  Breakfast Options:  Pumpkin Bread Muffins Homemade Yogurt Sunday Potato Soup   Salad Monday Chili Lime Shrimp  Rice  Salad Tuesday Tacos Salad Chips w/ Salsa  Wednesday Pasta Salad   Thursday Grilled Chicken Rice Broccoli Salad Friday Pizza  Salad Saturday   Kitchen is Closed

What's for Dinner

Our meals need to be nutritious, clean, flexible, quick and cost effective. Between our work schedules and after school activities, we need to carefully plan our meals so that we do not end up ordering out.   Let’s take a look at what we ate this week.  Breakfast Options:  Cereal Bagels Homemade Yogurt Sunday Turkey Soup   Salad Monday Pasta  Salad Tuesday Tacos Salad Chips w/ Salsa  Wednesday  Kitchen Closed- Chinese Thursday Left Overs  Friday Pizza  Salad Saturday   Brauts Coleslaw French Fries 

Free Friday

   With Christmas right around the corner, I am looking to cut back on my stockpiling.    I have plenty of items, so I will only be purchasing items that are needed for my stockpile and free items.   Don’t forget to cash in your rebate apps (IBOTTA, My Points, Saving Star, Checkout 51, etc.).   This is ,my very own little saving program. I have accumulated enough money and ECB to pay for Christmas this year.     Yippie!   KROGER Deals:   CVS Deals:   December 1-7 Crest Mouthwash Cost: $4.79 x 2 = $9.58 Coupon: $1.00 x 2 = $2.00 (Dec P&G)  CRT: $2 off $6.00 Mouthwash OOP: $5.58 ECB: $3.00 x 2 = $6.00 (LIMIT 2)  Final Cost: FREE and $0.42 MM Palmolive Dish Soap (10 oz) - BOGO 50% Cost: $1.79 + $0.89 = $2.68 OOP: $2.68 ECB: $2.00 Final Cost: $0.68 for both or $0.34 Each  Dial Body Wash (This deal goes through December 14th)  Cost: 2 for...

Free-Bee List

33 FREE ITEMS!   This month was a little slow for me, but every little bit helps.   I was able to get a lot of Christmas presents and items that we needed for the house.   In addition, I was able to donate many health and beauty items to a local organization that provides these items free of charge to families in need.    Never fear because we are still going strong and starting to develop a few goals for the upcoming new year.     As always I was able to gather these items through the use of Kroger Customer incentives, Giant Eagle Advantage program, Walgreens Register Rewards and Points Program, Coupons, Pinch Me, Saving Source, Bzzagent, Meijers buy 10 get the 11th free and IBOTTA Deals and Bonuses.   January: 58  February : 53 March: 25 April: 40 May: 47 June: 56 July: 51 August: 59 September: 84 October: 78 November : 33 Total so far: 584 Here is my Novemb...