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Showing posts from April, 2024

March 2024-->Free-Bees

  So far this year we were able to pick up 87 free items .  High inflation is making finding free items more challenging to find.   However, I have set a goal to beat last year’s number (247). Currently, I am working towards finding extra items during months when I have more time and giving myself grace during the months when my time is limited.    My goal for next year is to find 264 FREE Items. This works out to 22 items per month.  This may be challenging because the drug store deals have started to dry up and grocery store deals are not as frequent as they used to be.    I will rely on digital coupons, printables from the company when available, store coupons and reward programs, samples, and rebate apps such as IBOTTA.      As always, I can secure these items through Kroger incentives, Drug Store (Walgreens/CVS)  Rewards programs, sales, Smart Source, Meijer’s sales/store coupons, sample requests, and Rebate...

Menu Planning: #282

  Menu Plan #282 NOTE-  1- Click on the picture and get a link to a post sharing the recipe.  2- Although all prices were correct at the time of the blog postings, the current cost of preparation of these dishes may be higher due to inflation and location.      February USDA Low Food Plan According to this plan, our family would have a budget of $185.50 per week, which increased since December 2023 (184.30).  I know it is not a lot, but this is the thrifty plan, and every penny counts. Given our health concerns, it is hard to maintain this budget, but I will try to make this happen.      ** This week we needed to stock our refrigerator and pantry with a trip to Costco.  This trip will help us to save money for the next two weeks.     Therefore, we take a little money from next week's budget to cover the cost.      Here is what we did this week to make our week easier:   Breakfast Options...

Menu Planning: #181

  Menu Plan #281 NOTE-  1- Click on the picture and get a link to a post sharing the recipe.  2- Although all prices were correct at the time of the blog postings, the current cost of preparation of these dishes may be higher due to inflation and location.      February USDA Low Food Plan According to this plan, our family would have a budget of $185.50 per week, which increased since December 2023 (184.30).  I know it is not a lot, but this is the thrifty plan, and every penny counts. Given our health concerns, it is a struggle for us to maintain this budget, but I will try to make this happen.      ** This week I felt ill a lot, so my family stepped up and cooked dinner.    I am thankful for their help, but the planned meal were changed.   Here is what we did this week to make our week easier:   Breakfast Options:  Yogurt Avocado Toast Cereal Lunch Options: Salad Fruit Homemade Lunchables Monday Lobs...