The Frugal Five: #26 With inflation on the rise and our salaries not being able to keep up, it seems like we have taken a pay cut and must be more careful with our money. The Frugal Five is a series where we celebrate our daily or weekly activities that help us live a frugal life. ** Sorry for the lack of pictures. My week has been really busy and I just didn't get around to it. 1- Fall Garden Harvest With the weather turning cold, we harvested the tomatoes that were left and made dice tomatoes out of them. This will come in handy for making our taco soup and chili in the upcoming weeks. In addition, we are able to add a few jalapeno peppers to the dishes. Our dried mint was placed in containers for making tea this winter and fresh clippings were added to the drying rack. Finally, our seeds are dried and ready for storage for next season. It was a lot of work but worth it....
Where we are celebrating living “The Sweet Life” through being creative, resourceful and community minded. We turn lemons into lemonade with a little help from our friends and enjoying the journey and experiences we create in our lives.