(August 23-29) Scope Mouthwash Cost: $3.99 x 2 = $7.98 Coupon: $3/2 CVS Digital CRT: $2/$6 Mouthwash OOP: $2.98 EBC: $2.00 x 2 = $4.00 (Limit 2) Final Cost: FREE Community Coffee Cost: $3.99 x 2 = $7.98 CRT: $2/$8 Coffee OOP: $5.98 IBOTTA: $3.00 x 2 = $6.00 Final Cost: FREE Physicians Formula: Organic Wear Mascara Cost: $10.49 Coupon: $4/1 Printed from Redbox Machine (Printed 8/16-8/22) OOP: $6.49 ECB: $7.00 Final Cost: FREE + $0.51 Maybelline Cosmetics Cost: Single Eye Shadow: $4.29 Baby Lips: $4.99 Total: $9.28 Coupon: $2/1- Printable $3/1- Instant Coupon from Redbox Machine OOP: $4.23 ECB: $5.00 Final Cost: FREE + $0.77 MM CoverGirl Cosmetics- Eyebrow Pencils Cost: 2 X $5.99 = $11.98 Coupons: $3.00 x 2 = $6.00 (8/9 SS) OOP...
Where we are celebrating living “The Sweet Life” through being creative, resourceful and community minded. We turn lemons into lemonade with a little help from our friends and enjoying the journey and experiences we create in our lives.