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Showing posts from May, 2020

Free Donuts- What?

National Donut Day is June 5th.  National Donut Day started in 1938 by the Salvation Army as a way to thank the “donut lassies”.  A “donut lassie” was a female volunteer who would give treats to the solders on the front lines during World War I as a morale booster.  The Salvation Army still participates in National Donut Day, but now requests donations which go towards providing the following programs:  food pantries, meals on wheels, senior citizen feeding programs and childcare nutrition programs. From my experience, on National Donut Day, you can score free donuts at various locations using their deals.   I have gotten donuts from Meijers, Krispy Kreme and Dunkin Donuts over the years.  We always take a group and are prepared to wait in a long line to pick up our donut.    The wait is also part of the fun: waiting, giggling, talking and watching the donuts being made.   However this year, we will need to soc...

Free Friday- May 29

Making small changes that have big results.  Living the Good Life On A Budget can happen with small changes repeated weekly. When combining picking up free items and frugal living tips, your life can be transformed.   Here are some ideas as to how you can make some small changes that will have HUGE results over the course of a year.   On Friday’s I share a few frugal ideas to help you maintain The Sweet Life on a Budget along with my money saving deals.  Although I do not advocate shopping at a large number of stores during this health crisis, if you are going to a particular store that has a deal- just pick it up too.    Knowledge is power.    Waste not- Want no-   This is an old adage from the Great Depression which still rings true today.   According to the January 23. 2020 New’s Week article, “America Wastes $240 Billion in Food Each Year” (by Gaby Galvin), an average household wastes $2,000 ...
CVS has a few deals that are free and a really good razor deal.     If you are heading over to CVS, you may want to pick up these deals too.  Schick Razor and Refills Cost: $28.58 Razor Hydro 5: $11.79 Refill Hydro 5: $16.79 Coupon: (2) $4.00 = $8.00 (SS- 5/17)  $1.00 (App Only- Razors) $1.00 (App Only- Schick)  CRT Opportunities $5.00- Hydro Refills (Men) $3/12- Razors and Refills OOP: $10.58 EBC: $10.00 Final Cost: $0.58 CoverGirl Makeup Cost: (Purchase 2 that equal at least $12.00) Range ($12.78-13.58) CoverGirl Professional Remarkable Smudge Resistant Mascara = $6.79 CoverGirl Continuous Color Lipstick= $6.79 Coupon:  $3.00- Eye (CVS Digital) $2.00- Lip (CVS Digital)  CRT:  $3.00- CoverGirl $3.00/$12- Makeup  OPP= $2.58  ECB: $6.00 Final Cost: FREE + MM ( $3.42) Pantene (Shampoo, Conditioner, or Select Treatments)  Cost: 3 for...