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Living Large In The Cheap Seats- January 30

I was first introduced to Living Large In the Cheap Seats from a college friend, Chris J., who
introduced me to lawn tickets for popular bands.   We were able to see great concerts at a
significantly discounted rate. Later when reading Brokenomics by Dina Gachman, I revised
this concept and decided to share it with you.  I have been doing this for years and have
been able to enjoy wonderful experiences.   

I received a few comments that reflected the readers’ disappointment that these
activities are only for Ohio.    Never fear--you can find similar activities where you
live. Throughout this post I will highlight in blue ideas that can be referenced in any

With a little bit of thought and Google Searches, here is what I was able to find: 

Normally Available Activities: 
** Since the normally available activities seem to be growing and will tend not to go away,
moving forward I’m only going to highlight activities on a rotation.    I will try to do this based
on the season. For example, during the winter I will focus on indoor activities or date
specific things such as the National Park Free Days.    

Winter Scavenger Hunt at Lane Road Library (10 AM -9 PM) 

Lane Road Library
1945 Lane Road
Upper Arlington, OH 43220

Cost: FREE

Drop by the Lane Road Library’s youth department anytime during the month of January to
participate in our winter-themed scavenger hunt.
Pick up a scavenger hunt sheet at the youth desk, look for hidden pictures throughout the
library, and turn it in for a prize once you’re finished! For kids of all ages. No registration

** Libraries make a great resource for free or low cost activities as well as other
resources such as books, DVD, playaways, etc.    Check out your local library and see
what they offer.   

2020 FREE Entrance Days in National Parks
On 5 days in 2020, the National Parks that charge an entrance fee will waive the fee.   So,
mark your calendars and plan a trip to enjoy the National Park Experience. 

January 20- Martin Luther King Day
April 18- First Day of National Park Week 
August 25- National Park Service Birthday
September 26- National Public Lands Day 
November 11- Veterans Day 

** Parks or Public Lands are a great resources for a day of fun.   There are normally
hiking trails, playground, splash pads, camping opportunities, etc. 

Local Playgrounds 
Our weather has been very mild lately, so we have taken advantage of our local parks.  
Ride your bike on the trails, play a pick up game of basketball or just kick the soccer ball
around.    If you have smaller kids, no worries- head to the playground areas.   

February 25, 2020 - National Pancake Day 
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
Location: Select IHOP Restaurants 
Come and celebrate National Pancake Day with a FREE short stack of IHOP’s original
Buttermilk Pancakes.   

** There are many days that restaurants offer free menu items.    For example, Chick
Fil A has Cow Appreciation Day each year.    

 February 1-16, 2020

February 1, 2020  (1:00-3:00)
Succulents (Battelle Darby Creek) 
Battelle Darby Creek
1415  Darby Creek Drive (Nature Center)
Galloway, OH 43119

Cost: FREE

Come and learn about these fabulous indoor plants, paint a pot and plant a succulent to
bring home with you.    Please register if you would like to participate in the painting and
planting part of this event as supplies are limited.    However, everyone is welcome for the

February 1, 2020 (5:30-6:30)
Owls- Whoo’s Calling (Battelle Darby Creek) 
Battelle Darby Creek
2705  Darby Creek Drive (Nature Center)
Galloway, OH 43119

Cost: FREE

Lure owls out using calls on a 1 mile hike.    

February 8, 2020 (10-12:00 ) 
47th Annual Winter HIke Series (Lewis Center) 
9466 Columbus Pike
Lewis Center, OH
Cost: FREE

Enjoy a 2.5 or 5 miles hike.    Refreshments will be available afterwards.   

February 8, 2020 (12:00- 4:00 ) 
Love Your Birds!  Mobile Teaching Zoo
Oakland Nursery 
1156 Oakland Park Avenue
Columbus, OH
Cost: FREE
Meet and Greet a variety of different birds from the Wild Heart Mobile Teaching Zoo.   There
will be coloring sheets and various avion artifacts for viewing.  

February 8, 2020 (12:00- 4:00 ) 
Noon Native Teas (Battelle Darby) 
Battelle Darby 
1415 Darby Creek Drive
Galloway, OH
Cost: FREE
Look at native and wild plants which can be used to make tea.   Then take the
opportunity to make your own blend of tea to take with you. 

February 16, 2020 (2:00 -3:00 pm) 
Highbank Nature Center
9466 Columbus Pike
Lewis Center, OH
Cost: FREE
Meet owls and hawks from the Ohio Wildlife Center.    Take this opportunity to learn about
their amazing adaptations for survival.   Recommended Ages 6+

What is your favorite thing to do on a budget?   


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