CVS Sales from June 23-29, 2019
This week has been a little light for me. I was able to get some really cheap items, but
nothing for free. Unfortunately either the items were not available at my target price or it
didn’t need the free items this week. I will share the items that I did purchase and how
much they cost and the items that I didn’t pick up.
2 Maybelline Single Eye Shadows:
Cost: $4.19 x 2 = $8.38
Coupon: $3.00 - Instant Coupon printed @ Red Box for everyone
Out of Pocket Expense= $5.38
ECB: $5.00 (MUST buy 2)
Final Cost: $0.38 or $0.19 each
Note: Some stores sell Maybelline Single Eye Shadows for $3.99, which would make both of them FREE.
1 Neutrogena Deep Clean Clay Mask:
Cost: $4.19
Coupon: $3.00 - Instant Coupon printed @ Red Box
Out of Pocket Expense= $1.19
ECB: None
Final Cost: $1.19
1 Elastic Wrap Bandage:
Cost: $1.00
Coupon: NONE
Out of Pocket Expense= $1.00
Final Cost: $1.00
NOTE- One of the reasons why I picked up these things is because I had ECB that were
about to expire and I only needed to spend a little bit in order to earn another Beauty Bucks
to make up for the EBC’s that I spent. I consider this a Win Win.
The key to shopping at CVS is to keep your EBC’s rolling. If I do not use the item, I will
donate the items to a variety of different charities. However, I am going to use these items
for a Spa Day this weekend.
Deals I passed on, but you don’t have to.
Walgreens Sales from June 23-29, 2019
3 Colgate Enamel Health Toothpaste
Cost: $4.99 X 3 = $14.97
Coupon: $5/3 (IP-
Out of Pocket Expense= $9.97
Walgreen Points: 3,000 X 3 = 9,000 or $9.00
Rebate: $0.75 x 3 = $2.25
Final Cost: Money Maker $ 1.28
CVS Sales from June 23-29, 2019
2 Softsoap Body Washes (Sale- BOGO 50%)
Cost: $4.99 + $2.50 = $7.49
Coupon: $0.75 x 2 = $1.50 (IP from Softsoap Website)
Out of Pocket Expense= $5.99
ECB: $3.00 (MUST by 2)
Final Cost: $2.99 for 2 or $1.50 each
However, if you have a 2/2 Softsoap CRT, it will bring your cost down to $0.99 for 2 or $0.50
Something New
Kroger has a new program called Cash Back and with all new programs they are still
developing it, so the process and/or rules are subject to change at their discretion. There is
a lot of different opinions regarding this program. At first, everyone was very positive, but
now I am hearing some issues and changes that people don’t like. However, I tried it out
last week and it worked great.
Here are a few things you need to know:
You can only clip the rebates from your computer. Unfortunately the app will not work
with this program. You also can’t see the details of the deal while in the store.
All Rebates MUST be clipped prior to your shopping trip.
Read the details very carefully because the clipped rebates are very specific and they
will tell you if you can use a coupon or not with your deal. So far all of my deals
have allowed you to use a coupon and the rebate. However, this is a grey area and
may people have indicated that they are unable to use a coupon w/ the deals- like
Checkout 51.
Be patient. It takes up to 7 days for your rebate to show on your account.
You can choose to send your savings to your Kroger card or Paypal ($20.00
You need to track your savings, because it doesn’t show you which items were
credited to your account, but the amount.
This seems like a lot of work and tracking, but let’s look at my results for last week:
Tampax Pocket Radiant
Cost: $4.99
Coupon: None
Out of Pocket Expense= $4.99
Rebate: $2.00 IBOTTA (Up to 5 X)
Rebate: $2.00 Kroger Cash Back (Up to 5 X)
Final Cost: $0.39
2 Yasso
Cost: $2.49
Coupon: $1.00 X 2= $2.00
Out of Pocket Expense= $2.98
Rebate: $1.00 IBOTTA (Up to 3X)
Rebate: $1.00 Kroger Cash Back (Up to 3 X)
Final Cost: Money Maker $1.02
2 Real Good Cauliflower Pizza (BOGO Sale)
Cost: $8.99
Coupon: NONE
Out of Pocket Expense= $8.99
Rebate: $3.00 IBOTTA (Up to 5 X)
Rebate: $3.00 Kroger Cash Back (Up to 5 X)
Final Cost: Money Maker $3.01
I think I will continue to try this program and I will keep you up to date with any programs or
successes I experience.
What free-bees or great deals did you score this week?
Just leave a comment below.
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