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Showing posts from June, 2018

Frugal Friday

Making small changes that have big results. On Friday’s I share 5 frugal ideas to help you maintain The Sweet Life on a budget.  These things will have money saving ideas and/or a way to enhance your lifestyle for very little money. Meal Planning- The power of meal planning is fabulous alone without really applying more cost saving techniques to further cut your grocery bill.  For example, using a zero waste process to decrease the amount of items needed each week. I am starting to look at the zero waste concept and applying slowly and systematically to my meal planning process.   Freezer/stocking up on easy meals- This week our local Kroger has Hillshire Kielbasa and Shrimp on sale.  Although we do not have this on the menu this week, we are picking up some of each and placing in the freezer/refrigerator for use when we have busy evenings  or find us in a situation where we didn’t plan on having a busy day. Both of these items can produce a ...

Budget Travel for Sporting Events

Budget Travel for Sports  Our son is very active in swimming and therefore we travel all over our state.  In order to maintain our budget, we need to be careful when traveling.  All of the hotel(s), meals out, snacks, drinks, etc.  really add up if your not careful.  Here are a few travel tips for when we travel for swimming: 1- Packing  Make a master list of what you need and pack extras of key items such as competition suit, googles, towels and caps.  This will help you not to forget items and/or if an item fails to have a back up.  Forgetting a cap will run you about $10.00 but forgetting a suit will cost you between $30-$50.00 depending on what is available.  2- Lodging Cost   We are fortunate that my husband earns hotel points from traveling for his job, but if you are not so lucky try lower grade hotels (e.g. Home Suites), comparison shopping, changing credit cards to earn you free nights stays, becoming a reward memb...

Caprese Salad

Caprese Salad The Caprese Salad dates back to prior to World War I Italy where it appears on the menu of the Hotel Quisisana.  This simple, but elegant salad represents Italy’s flags colors (green, white and red) and incorporates many of the flavors of an exceptional Italian dish.  The key to making a great Caprese Salad is to use the best ingredients, vine ripe tomatoes, mozzarella ball, good olive oil, and fresh basil leaves. There is no set recipe with all it’s measurements, list of ingredients and directions for this salad, but rather a simple road map to get you to this delicious salad.  For the cost breakdown, I used what I typically put into my salad, but it can be increased or decreased as you desire. This simple salad is made by slicing the tomatoes and placing them on a plate.   Next, put basil leaves on tomatoes.   Then slice or cut mozzarella into pieces and place on top of basil.   Finally drizzle the balsamic v...

Basil Plant from Clippings

Basil Plant from Clippings Growing a Basil Plant from a simple clipping is easy.   First cut the stem of the top of the Basil Plant just below a leaf node.   Then, keep the top few small leaves, but strip the rest of the Basil leaves.  Keep the stripped Basil leaves and use them in your cooking.-- Yum.     Next, place stem in a cup with water.  In about 4-7 days,  the stem will start developing roots.   Then final step is to plant your new Basil Plant and enjoy the fruits of your labor.  

National Doughnut Day

National Doughnut Day June 1, 2018 is National Doughnut Day and several doughnut shops  have specials and some of them even give away a  free doughnut per customer.   My son and I went to  Krispy Kreme and picked up our choice of  donut to enjoy today.  Yummmmm!