Making small changes that have big results. On Friday’s I share 5 frugal ideas to help you maintain The Sweet Life on a budget. These things will have money saving ideas and/or a way to enhance your lifestyle for very little money. Our household is a little tired this week from all the travel last week. We needed to really break the tasks up into small pieces and do a little bit each day because we didn't have our weekend preparation time for the week and I worked all week. Soooo- Here we go. 1. I made sure we packed lunch every day. This was a little challenging because I usually pack all of our lunches on Sunday and we just didn't have the time. However, with a 15 minute commitment each night to pack lunches for the next day, we were able to make it through the week. Our lunches were basic (e.g. salads, sandwiches, or left overs, fruit and vegetable), but everyone enjoyed them each day. 2. We ran out of strawberries on Monday and waited to purchase ...
Where we are celebrating living “The Sweet Life” through being creative, resourceful and community minded. We turn lemons into lemonade with a little help from our friends and enjoying the journey and experiences we create in our lives.