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Showing posts from December, 2017
December Grocery Haul    Week 1    Kroger12-1-17 ($31.29) Free Items: Jello Choco Late and Yasso Yogurt Bars Kroger 12-5-17 ($30.17) Note: Charged for 1 extra item (not pictured) and money will be refunded next week. ($3.99) Free Items: Ritz Crackers  Aldi 12-5-17(33.16) December totals: Week 1 = $94.62 Menu Plan - Week 1 and Tentative Week 2 Sunday Chicken Rice Spinach Cakes Salad Monday Leftovers Tuesday Fish Tacos Cole Slaw Pico De Gallo Fruit Wednesday Kielbasa Potatoes Peppers/Onions Salad Thursday Leftovers Friday Chicken Parm. Pasta Salad Saturday Shrimp and Green Beans Salad Fresh Fruit Sunday Potluck Pumpkin Rolls ** Make Pumpkin Rolls Monday Chili Salad Rolls Tuesday Mexican Salad Chips Wednesday Left Overs Salad Thursday Pasta Sausage Salad Friday Fish Salad Rice Broccoli Saturday ...
Hard Boiled Eggs Whenever I hard boil eggs, I think about my father in law. He would always make dozens of eggs each spring for his lunches.  He would always say feast, feast, famine. Which translates to the following sandwiches: Egg in the spring, Tomato in the Summer/Fall and Lunch Meat in the Fall/Winter.  He was the first person I met that really followed the seasons with his food choices.  Unfortunately I was very limited in my cooking skills when my husband and I dated and first got married, so I was delighted to listen to his stories and learn how make simple dishes from him.  However, I learned an even easier and far better way to make hard boiled eggs without an Instant Pot later.  Here is what you need and the process.     Ingredients: Eggs ($.49 -$1.50 per dozen or $.04-$.13 per egg) Fill a pot with cold water and place your eggs in the pot.  Heat your water over medium heat until it comes to a rolling boil. ...