December Grocery Haul Week 1 Kroger12-1-17 ($31.29) Free Items: Jello Choco Late and Yasso Yogurt Bars Kroger 12-5-17 ($30.17) Note: Charged for 1 extra item (not pictured) and money will be refunded next week. ($3.99) Free Items: Ritz Crackers Aldi 12-5-17(33.16) December totals: Week 1 = $94.62 Menu Plan - Week 1 and Tentative Week 2 Sunday Chicken Rice Spinach Cakes Salad Monday Leftovers Tuesday Fish Tacos Cole Slaw Pico De Gallo Fruit Wednesday Kielbasa Potatoes Peppers/Onions Salad Thursday Leftovers Friday Chicken Parm. Pasta Salad Saturday Shrimp and Green Beans Salad Fresh Fruit Sunday Potluck Pumpkin Rolls ** Make Pumpkin Rolls Monday Chili Salad Rolls Tuesday Mexican Salad Chips Wednesday Left Overs Salad Thursday Pasta Sausage Salad Friday Fish Salad Rice Broccoli Saturday ...
Where we are celebrating living “The Sweet Life” through being creative, resourceful and community minded. We turn lemons into lemonade with a little help from our friends and enjoying the journey and experiences we create in our lives.