Living Large In the Cheap Seats is starting to look a little different given the current state of crisis the world is experiencing. The fact that we are being asked to limit our exposure to groups of people larger than 10 people really impacts our ability to get out and enjoy various local experiences. Therefore going out in public is of a low priority in our household for the time being. However, we are hoping to change that come late spring/early summer. Therefore, I am going to focus on incorporating a little Hagge into my life with a few Small Group (aka family based) activities, Virtual Activities and things you can do now in order to secure more fun for the warmer months. Well- hopefully. Learning Can Be Fun Slowing Down- Our society has taken a deep dive into slowing down and staying in doors. Even with the various states opening up and our craving to get out being very intense, I thoug...
Where we are celebrating living “The Sweet Life” through being creative, resourceful and community minded. We turn lemons into lemonade with a little help from our friends and enjoying the journey and experiences we create in our lives.