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Showing posts from October, 2018

Frugal Friday- October 26. 2018

Frugal Friday is back! I hear a lot about doing a no spend week--- month---year. Oh my. That seems really difficult to do. So instead, I am trying to make small changes that will make a large difference in our lives. Let's get cracking with some new tips and tricks to living frugally and saving some money.   1. Brew your own coffee . I know it is the elixir of life and I would never dream of going without, but at the price of $2.10 per grande at Starbucks, I think there is a better way. I have been fortunate enough to catch a sale on my favorite brew at $5.99 for 12 ounces at my local grocery store. Since it takes 1/2 ounce of coffee to make an entire pot of coffee, the price comes to $.25 per pot. I can get 4 large cups of coffee from each pot of coffee. Wow even with a bit of milk, the price per cup of coffee doesn't reach $.30 per cup. This gives you a saving of $1.80 per cup of coffee each morning or $657.00 per year. Brew Station ...